
A competition to celebrate the special exhibition “The girl and the sea”

22 October 2016 – 18 December 2016

Lively, funny, or dreamy: Who can make the best fish plate?

Fished right out of history
Experts are still fishing around in the dark to figure out the purpose for which fish plates were used. What we know for sure is that they were made about 2,500 years ago and fascinated a great many people with the playful, colourful ocean life on them. Back then – and even today – fish and the ocean were symbols of life, as the ocean was and is considered to be the source of all life.

Now we've got you on the hook
Cast your net and catch some fresh ideas. The one who designs the most lustrous creation will haul in an attractive prize. Visitors to the museum and passers-by will choose the winners from two categories.